
How did we become WAH Hideaway?
The concept for Wild at Heart Hideaway was created towards the end of the Covid pandemic when owner Anna was pregnant herself. We can now reflect on that challenging time when partners were not allowed to attend face to face appointments, antenatal support was virtual and there were no postnatal classes. But, it taught us the importance of company, laughter, support and friendship.
It taught us that actually, the most valuable resource we have is each other.
So, aptly named after a place you retreat to for comfort and refuge, the Hideaway was born. It’s mission to be a safe space where adults can meet each other and chat, ask questions, laugh or cry about absolutely anything to do with the very complicated process of bringing up a small person! The kettle is always on, sweet treats in the cupboard and ample opportunities to escape reality just for an hour...
For the first six months we experimented with times, sessions, ages and atmosphere. One thing always stood out - we are an escape. Parents walk into the Hideaway and say "Ah it is so relaxing here." They don't want to leave and can't wait to find a reason to return. So we have grounded our roots in what the community needs us to be and enhanced our well being focus.
So here we are. A place you can seek refuge and draw strength from the support and knowledge of others.
Escape now to Wild at Heart Hideaway.

We offer a sibling discount of 50% at "Come and GLOW" meaning it is only £4.50 for one adult with two children.
Additional adults are welcome for this discount too.

Loyalty Card
Pick up a loyalty card and make sure you get it stamped each time you visit.
5 stamps and you can arrange your sixth visit for free!

Discover Driffield
We are proud to be a part of the Discover Driffield scheme.
Don't forget to scan the QR code [displayed in the entrance] and type in your code [featured on your card] for the chance to win some wonderful prices each month.

There is a big car park shared with Wild at Heart Day Nursery.
Spaces are ample, close to the door and it is always free.
Before and after....